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Useful Resources

Here we provide several useful resources, which many of our training and consulting clients have found useful — tutorials, whitepapers, tables, etc. If you’d like to be notified whenever we add new resources to this page, subscribe to our mailing list. If you have a comment or suggestion about one or more of these resources, please let us know.

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Resources for Software Developers

C Programming Language Keywords and Directives

Here is a comprehensive, one-page table of C keywords and directives in K&R, K&R2, C89/90, C99, C11, and Microsoft Visual C (in Visual Studio). Included are Microsoft-specific keywords, and keywords in the C language standards that are not implemented in Microsoft Visual C.

C Programming Language Operators

Here is a one-page table of C programming language operators, with their precedence and associativity.

C++ Programming Language Keywords and Directives

Here is a two-page table of C++ programming language keywords and directives in Stroustrup ARM (1990), C++98, C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17, and Microsoft Visual C++. Not all preprocessor directives are included here. See C Programming Language Keywords and Directives for a complete list of directives.

C++ Programming Language Operators

Here is a one-page table of C++ programming language operators, with their precedence and associativity.

Sorting in C with the qsort Function

The C standard library’s qsort function can be used to sort arrays containing any type of data. Learn how to write the comparison functions required by qsort for a variety of data types — from simple signed integers to strings to C structures. Avoid costly copying of data by sorting arrays of pointers to the data, rather than arrays containing the data itself.

Creating a C Library in Visual Studio 2019

When you find yourself reusing your C functions across multiple projects, it’s time to wake up from the error-prone cut-and-paste nightmare — place your functions in a reusable library. Learn how to use Visual Studio 2019 to create and link to your own reusable function libraries. The procedure has changed slightly in Visual Studio 2019.

Find instructions for some earlier Visual Studio versions below.

Creating a C Library in Visual Studio 2017

Learn how to use Visual Studio 2017 to create and link to your own reusable function libraries.

Creating a C Library in Visual Studio 2015

Learn how to use Visual Studio 2015 to create and link to your own reusable function libraries.

Creating a C Library in Visual Studio 2013

Learn how to use Visual Studio 2013 to create and link to your own reusable function libraries.

Random Numbers in C

Generating random numbers — whether for games or simulations or sampling — is not as straightforward as it first seems. The standard rand and srand library functions in C are often misunderstood. Learn what to expect from them, and know their limitations.

Pointers vs Array Names in C

In the C programming language, pointers and array names have a very close relationship, but they are not the same. Learn how they are similar and how they are different.

The C printf Fact Sheet

Everything you wanted to know about the printf C library function, including character escape sequences, format conversion specifiers, the minimum field-width specifier, the precision modifier, left justification, short and long modifiers, and dynamic output control — all in two pages, that can be printed back-to-back on a single handy sheet.

The C scanf Fact Sheet

Here is a handy one-page guide that explains the valid format conversion specifiers accepted by the scanf C library function.

Setting the Compiler Warning Level in Visual Studio 201x

The default warning level in Visual Studio C and C++ projects doesn’t show you everything. We recommend changing the warning level, to get as much help from the compiler as possible. These instructions apply the C and C++ programming languages in Visual Studio 2013, 2015, and 2017.

Binary and Hexadecimal

Learn about the binary (base 2) and hexadecimal (base 16) number systems, how to read them, write them, and convert between them. And find out how to express hexadecimal constants in the C programming language.

Binary and Octal

Learn about the binary (base 2) and octal (base 8) number systems, how to read them, write them, and convert between them. And find out how to express octal constants in the C programming language.

Installing Visual Studio Community 2013

Learn how to avoid the typical pitfalls when installing the free Visual Studio Community 2013 IDE on your Windows computer, so that your software doesn't expire when you need it most.

Links to Programming Language Popularity Indexes

Professional software developers and aspiring software developers want to know what the most popular programming languages are. It is almost an obsession for some, and can be a source of incessant debate, due to the various conflicting indices, and the methods used to arrive at their language rankings.

Neverthless, here are a few links to popularity indexes for various programming languages, both general-purpose and domain-specific. Some include markup languages in addition to programming languages. Each uses a different approach to determining the current popularity of a language, so prepare yourself for some mixed messages.

Programming Language Influence Network

Ever wonder which programming languages influenced the programming language you're using today? Want to know which programming language is the most influential? Want to be able to zoom in and pan around a network diagram containing this data?

Then this is the link for you.

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